2024年12月15日 20:42
ℍ , I don't know where in the world you are right now, but anyway I want to say that I loved meeting you that night. I actually enjoyed meeting your puppy more lol (no, I'm kidding!) Thank you so much for welcoming me so kindly with the candles, which I love! talking about travel and our lives was also very enjoyable I wish you the best of luck in your new job and on your travels. a big kiss to your cute puppy, I would love to be able to visit him again❤️ and thank you very much for the chocolates. it was delicious It will be wonderful if one day we can meet again❤️❤️❤️ Stay safe |
人妻デリバリーヘルス HANA-okinawa-沖縄の常識をHANA-okinawa-が覆す! 洗練された、極上の人妻達との蜜月をご堪能下さいませ『洗練された大人の女性、品位とエロさ兼ね備えた極上人妻たちとの感動の体験をコンセプトに当店は常にTOPを走り続けて参ります』